Erg Camel, or Camel Reef got its name because it resembles a lying camel when viewed from the east. Since the reef is not that large it’s a good idea to drift into it from a bit up north. Not on the wall close to the island though, but from the tip of the tongue that stretches out from the plateau the reef emerges from.
When you reach the bottom out here you are at about 17-19 meters depth. Take your time in this area and investigate every sand patch you can find. This is one of the places in Hurghada I have seen zebra sharks resting on the bottom. When you are approaching the Erg, stay on the east edge of the plateau and circumnavigate the Camel from a distance. You will soon see three finger-like coral formations pointing out into the blue. Outside and below those formations you find a narrow cave or crack. Look inside and find out if the giant moray eel is home. If not, you will probably meet him somewhere on the way.
Turn back towards the reef so you are coming up on the west side. The first thing you notice is probably the explosion of colour and life. The three peaks are covered by gorgonias and soft coral from deep purple to light pink, almost white. Antheas, glassfish and silversides are almost competing to be food for schools of jacks and groupers. The rest of the dive you circle around the Erg and have the most beautiful safety stop you have had in a long time.